Wednesday, May 6, 2020

King Lear Sequences Which Display The Varying Per Essay Example For Students

King Lear: Sequences Which Display The Varying Per Essay ceptions of DifferentCharactersKing Lear: Sequences Which Display The Varying Perceptions of DifferentCharactersIn Shakespeares King Lear, there are several sequences which displaythe varying perceptions of different characters. The perceptions of thecharacters often differs because of what they are able to see and also in theirnature. Such factors obstruct their vision, not allowing them to see clearly. One sequence which may illustrate this is the banishing of Cordelia after sherefuses Lears test of love. Another sequence is the gouging of Gloucesterseyes by Cornwall. A third sequence which shows the indifference of opinionwithin the characters is Lears death at the end of the play. As the play opens up, Gloucester and Kent are speaking of Learsintention to divide his kingdom according to a test of love. It is this test oflove which causes Lear to banish his most beloved daughter Cordelia. When askedhow much she loves her father, Cordelia replies that she loves him according toher bond, no more nor less . This response angers Lear and causes him to banher for her refusal to comply. Lear is held to the belief that she does notlove him. He believes that the daughter which had loved him the most (and whohe loved the most) has broken his heart. He is suspicious and bans her becausehe thinks that she is the only daughter who doesnt love him. It is Learsrashness which prevents him from seeing that she is speaking the truth. It isthe same rashness which leads him to believe that Goneril and Regan are beingtruthful. Kent believes that Lear is wrong and openly tells him so. He says ina straightforward manner that he is both mad and an old man . Kent believesthat Lears de cision was a hideous rashness.He continues to speak, even asLear asks him to stop. He tells Lear to see better as he is banned. It is inKents nature to speak what he feels, without hiding things. He did notunderstand Lears condition and his rashness. Regan thought that because of thebanishing of both Cordelia and Kent, now Lear will have abrupt fits . Shethinks that her and Goneril are the next victims of Lear and must be careful. Goneril sees the banishing as poor judgment on Lears part . She says that ithas always been in his nature to be rash . She is not surprised by his actions. She, as Regan does, believes that they must be careful in their actions or theymight be affected by him too . Goneril decides that it would be a smart move todo something soon , before Lear can act against them or perhaps discover theirtrue nature. Both Goneril and Regan know that they had to lie in order toreceive a share of the kingdom. They decided to take initiative before theycould be affected. Both of them act out of greed in more power. If Lear bansCordelia, then it is simply a larger inheritance for both of them. The twodaughters do not find a problem in that. Albany does not understand what Learsreasoning is . He remains puzzled over why Lear would do such a thing and asksthe Gods for assistance . As Burgundy learns of Lears actions, he restates hisinterest in only what Lear had offered him . He still expects to receiveCordelia along with her dowry, but drops the idea of taking her as his bride assoon as Lear tells him that she no longer carries a dowry. France rescuesCordel ia from her misery after Burgundy refuses to marry her, but only afterspeaking to Lear. When he first hears of Cordelias banishing, he thinks thatit is strange that the one who he loved the most would do something so monstrousas to strip his benevolence . After speaking to Cordelia and listening to whatshe has to say, he realizes that she had spoken the truth and still loves Learthe most. In his noble sense, he sees Lears decision as rash (but does not sayanything) and takes Cordelia in. This characterizes France as one who can seethrough Lears rashness and understand the condition of both Cordelia and herfather. The Fool, like Kent, tells Lear in a very straightforward manner thathe is wrong. He at often times insults Lear, calling him a fool . Upon hearingof Cordelias banishing, he had much pined away, showing both his emotiontowards Cordelia and how he thinks that the King was wrong in his decision. Eaters Of The Dead EssaySeveral events in King Lear are seen differently by various characters. Their own intentions and beliefs cause them to make decisions which, if wrong,are corrected through the plays progression. The nature of the charactersalong with their personal desire cause them to be biased and sometimespredictable in their actions. Often times, it is the obstruction created byother characters which prevents them from seeing clearly. Eventually, in theclimactic plays end, all wrong is corrected, unfortunately at the cost ofseveral lives of many innocent people, making King Lear a true tragedy. English

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